How to Generate Leads for Marketing Agencies in 2024

If you run a digital marketing company in 2024, generating sales-qualified leads is a relevant question, like it or not. It indeed requires a fresh approach and a bit of discussion. Our sales team is sure that traditional methods are no longer enough to stay ahead. The adjective ‘non-template’ takes center stage.

Well thought-out email marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and lead generation are effective channels for attracting new loyal clients.

Marketing mix for Marketing agencies

Here’s our guide to the new lead generation tactics, backed by facts, numbers to help you dominate the game this year.

To Go Niching is a Smart Choice

Many representatives of digital marketing services might think that taking on all kinds of projects is the best way to grow. If you’re like the god Shiva (with plenty of hands) - yes. But the reality? It’s not that effective.

It’s much better to focus on one niche in 2024, and here’s why:

  • Expertise and reputation: when you focus on a niche, you become the number one expert in that area, clients trust you more because you know their industry inside out (tricks, insights, statistics, rivals, best tools, best tactics).
  • Efficiency: specializing reduces the time and effort spent learning the specifics of different industries.
  • Higher ROI: clients are willing to pay more for specialized services that deliver results.
  • Easier marketing: with a clear niche, your marketing efforts become more targeted and effective.

Wildtribe and Boil Agencies have found their sweet spot and are thriving because of it. Wildtribe operates in renewable energy and aerospace sectors, while the Boil Agency help challenger brands grow their market share.

These mentioned players don’t really focus on other industries, no matter how lucrative they can be.

Using AI and Automation

AI and automation can help build authority and rankings. Using lead generation tools like Leadfeeder to automate the lead generation process can reveal companies that have visited your website and enrich the data with contact information.

The truth is that nowadays lead generation campaign can’t be effective without advanced technologies. It’s not just about generating quality leads; it’s also about mastering tech artistry.

Tools and technologies to integrate in 2024

Tools like HubSpot and Salesforce use AI to predict which leads are most likely to convert. According to a 2023 report by McKinsey, businesses that integrate AI see a 40% increase in efficiency.

Content That Captivates and Converts

Lead generation strategies include captivating content that you send to your target audience. Your potential customers are tired of two things:

  1. The large number of marketing agencies trying to sell them something.
  2. The excessive amount of sales content being sent to them.

The solution here is simple: be the one who magnetizes with content, not the one who annoys. Personalized content can help nurture a marketing qualified lead by addressing their specific pain points and guiding them through the sales funnel.

Creating content that speaks directly to your audience

As it was mentioned above, personalized and valuable content is key. According to a survey by Epsilon, 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase when brands offer personalized experiences. You can use tools like Grammarly, Hemingway, and smart GPT prompts to create engaging messages.

Additionally, there are many tools that can help you check for spam words in your messages. You might also try Email Spam Words Checkers to increase your deliverability instead of reducing it.

The golden rule when crafting outreach messages is simple: you can't send the same message to everyone in your database. The contacts in your CRM are individuals who read and react emotionally to what they read.

Search Engine optimization: Still on Track

Generating business leads might be much easier for marketing agencies if the content on their landing pages and in the blogposts is SEO-optimized. One of your business objectives must be traffic generation from website visitors who are your potential leads. According to Sagefrog, SEO efforts help generate 34% of qualified leads.  

The rise of interactive and personalized content

Interactive, relevant content, like quizzes and calculators, keeps users engaged. Marketing companies using interactive content see a 70% higher conversion rate. Personalized emails with stats, tailored to the recipient’s behavior, can increase click-through rates by 14% and conversions by 10% (Aberdeen Research).

Data-Driven Strategies

Predictive analytics uses past data to foresee future industry trends and behaviors. By analyzing historical information, you can proactively improve your lead generation strategies, anticipating customer needs and preferences before they even arise.

How to harness data for targeted lead generation

Start generating leads with predictive analytics implemented using various tools and platforms.

Some popular choices include:

  • Google Analytics: Provides insights into user behavior and patterns that can be used for predictive modeling.
  • HubSpot: Uses predictive lead scoring to identify high-quality leads based on past behaviors and interactions.
  • IBM Watson Analytics: Offers predictive analytics capabilities for businesses to forecast industry trends and behaviors.
  • Microsoft Azure Machine Learning: Allows businesses to build and deploy predictive models using machine learning algorithms.

Building and Nurturing Relationships

Relationship marketing is about creating long-term engagement and emotional connection to the brand.

If all processes set up correctly, your agency can get free word-of-mouse promotion and therefore more leads. Nurturing these relationships can help convert a marketing qualified lead into a sales qualified lead, ready for direct sales engagement.

The Importance of Nurturing Process

Despite the fact that relationship marketing more costly than transactional model, it proves to be more winning on the long run.

  • Customer Loyalty: Loyal customers are more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend the business to others, which reduces the need for continuous acquisition costs.
  • Lifetime Value: Customers acquired through relationship marketing tend to have a higher lifetime value. They often spend more over their lifetime with the business compared to customers acquired through one-off transactions.
  • Reduced Churn: Satisfied customers are less likely to switch to competitors, reducing the costs associated with customer turnover and retention efforts.
  • Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Satisfied customers are more likely to spread positive word-of-mouth about the business, attracting new customers at lower acquisition costs than traditional marketing methods.
  • Feedback and Improvement: Close relationships allow businesses to receive valuable feedback directly from customers, enabling them to improve products, services, and overall customer experience.

Maximizing the Potential of Video Marketing

Humans are visual creatures, so it’s no wonder we all love videos. With people now watching over 100 million hours of video on TikTok, Facebook and more than 1 billion hours on YouTube every day, video has become a crucial marketing and lead generation tool for businesses and marketers.

The ongoing trend towards video over text provides an opportunity to communicate more effectively with customers. Sales teams can use video content to engage with potential leads, making the lead handoff process more efficient.

And agree that marketing campaigns are more attractive with video snippets, aren't they?

Events and Webinars: A Personal Touch

Events are a great way to engage with potential clients. According to Bizzabo, 80% of marketers believe that live events are critical to their company’s success. Use follow-up emails and surveys to turn attendees into leads. Proactive B2B marketers use in-person events for lead generation because it definitely has a multifaceted approach.

Collaboration and Outsourcing

Outsourcing your lead generation can save time and resources. Companies like MarketStar have shown that hiring and retaining SDRs is expensive. An in-house SDR team typically costs about $53,000 annually (for US market), not including training, benefits, and infrastructure.

More than 85% of B2B decision-makers see a positive impact when they outsource lead generation, with 71% noting that the outside team performs better than their internal one.

If you need a hand with lead gen, book a free consultation with our Sales Manager, Yana Butryk. We are always here to cover you in your endeavor to strive.

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